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February 8 Fire Warning!

Can you scoop fire into your lap without burning your clothes? Can you walk on hot coals without scorching your feet? So is the one who sleeps with another person’s spouse. No one who does this will go unpunished. ~Proverbs 6:28-29

A person who commits adultery lacks judgment. Whoever does so, destroys himself. ~Proverbs 6:33

“You have heard that it was said, “Do not commit adultery.” But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” ~Matthew 5:27-28

It is ancient wisdom. It is obviously true, as any of the victims of such treachery are well aware. And yet, it keeps happening! So, it cannot “go without saying.” It happens when people believe that feelings matter more than commitment. Pleasure matters more than honor. Our biology is powerful, and, unchecked by commitment and character, it leads us into all kinds of sorrow and trouble. 

Sometimes the perps are sorry too. Sometimes they get caught going to socially unacceptable extremes and suffer legal consequences. Sometimes they realize that they didn’t “fix” anything but only made things worse. And sometimes they realize the harm they have caused and genuinely repent.

I really believe that even if we have been faithfully married to one person for decades and look as if we have lived up to this wisdom, none of us is really guiltless in this area. Jesus made sure of that. His words were crafted for men to hear. “anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” But women also can think about the husband they wish they had, different from the one they have. That’s emotional adultery at least.

Our culture needs to heed these warnings now more than ever. I’m sure I don’t have to persuade you about that. A few decades ago, pornography was still pretty tough to find. Magazines sat in sealed plastic bags behind sales counters, and you had to pay for any channels or movies that had pornographic content. Sadly, that’s not the case with the young men and women in our churches today. Most of them are “digital natives.” They don’t remember a time without iPhones, iPads, and free WiFi everywhere. And many of them don’t remember a time without unlimited access to pornography.

But the only cure, the only power that can change anyone into a person who flees from or resists the world’s now most the pervasive temptation, is the Holy Spirit of God! If we just rant and rave against sin, guilty sinners will not find the resources to live victoriously. They will give up in despair. So, the best strategy is evangelism. We need to invite people into a personal relationship with Jesus so that their consciences are enlightened and re-sensitized. Then they will be liberated by the Truth that sets us free. And they will find new strength in Christ to not only agree with Solomon and Jesus but to actually live like it too. 

Prayer: Thank you Lord for many years of faithful marriage. Give me sympathy and concern for those who are caught in sin, I pray to be one of those mentioned in Galatians 6:1, who lives by the Spirit, so that I may restore that person gently. Strengthen me to guard my heart, so that I am not also tempted. In Jesus' name, amen.

Song: Guard Your Heart


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