Key Verse: "Come
to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28
In Isaiah 30:15, the Lord says to Israel: "In
repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength,
but you would have none of it." How true that is of God's people still
We forget that rest is a commandment and we treat it like an
option. We live busy, hurried lives. We cram as much into a day, into a life,
as we can and then complain that we have too much to do. We even justify our
busyness in ministry, blaming God for heaping so much responsibility on our
backs. We forget, however, that this proclamation of Jesus is right after He
has praised God for the successful ministry of His followers. Their burden was
not burdensome because Jesus had helped them carry it.
It is the devil who cracks the whip and accuses us of sloth.
It is satan who accuses us of not doing enough. It is satan who holds out the
carrot on the end of the stick and says, "You could do more. Didn't He
offer you His strength?" Satan can work you to death in the name of Jesus. But make no mistake, that is not Jesus' assigned burden for you to carry.
He promised you rest. He commanded that you rest. He even
set aside a day specifically for you to rest. Too often, we will have none of
it. Why? Well, it could be pride or ambition.
It could be insecurity or selfishness.
But none of these are from the Lord.
I've heard the fourth commandment, which says, "Remember
the Sabbath, to keep it Holy," as God's way of saying, "I want a date
night with you my beloved!" I like that. When you get too busy to focus on
Him you can bet you're too busy.
I am not talking about laziness here. Scripture is full of
references to the goodness and importance of work. So please don't think that these verses mean
that you can just lay about the house, in Jesus’ name, and expect to be
blessed. No, that's not the point. We worship the Lord with our work, but we
also worship the Lord in our rest.
It is when we are resting that we can give Him our undivided
attention. It is in our rest that we often hear His voice. Psalm 46:10 says,
"Be still and know that I am God." It's in the stillness, away from
the clutter of our frenzied lives that God takes priority and our lives become
refocused on Him.
What can you let go of to achieve the rest that Jesus
desires for you in these verses? What can you let go of to put Him first? This
is a serious matter that God wants to accomplish in your life. Take a step of
faith. You don't have to do it all. Let go and let God give you the rest He
longs to give.
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