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June 21 The Father’s Burden

“Happy Father’s Day!”

The one who brings trouble on the family will inherit only wind, and the fool will be servant to the wise. ~Proverbs 11:29

The one who keeps the law is a discerning child, but a companion of gluttons disgraces the parents. ~Proverbs 28:7

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother” which is the first commandment with a promise-- “that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.” Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” ~Ephesians 6:1-4

Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord. Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discouraged. ~Colossians 3:20-2

First of all, Happy Father’s Day, to all of you who deserve that greeting. Parenting is the most rewarding and difficult mission any of us will ever do, so to those of you who have made it through, congratulations!

The role of Father is a difficult, and very important weight to bear. Most of us envision God to have characteristics similar to our earthly Fathers. Some people reject God because of how their fathers treated them, either while they were growing up or as adults. Those who did not have a father, have trouble imagining a close, intimate relationship with God. Others, who had loving Fathers, have little trouble seeing God as all loving, and all knowing and all powerful.

For the father, who wants to do well, and wants more than anything, to see their children walking in the faith, the burden is tremendous. It’s so easy to get discouraged and wonder if you have failed. When children go astray, it’s often the parents, especially the fathers, who get the blame. In choosing elders for the church, it is the father that must display that he can manage his household well and have respectful children.

Yet, children have a free will and can make life difficult to do well. It is fathers that Paul talks to, warning them not to be harsh. So many in the recovery community, as they are recalling their testimonies, remember the comments of their fathers. He is often the one from whom a child wants to hear the compliment. Fathers words can make or break a child’s heart.

Many books have been written about the important role of a father in their son’s life, but daughters need their daddies too, to love them and help them know what to look for in their future husband. Many speak of thinking that they have fathers that they cannot honor, because of something from the past. However, every person longs to have a father that they can honor.

We will always carry with us the impact of our relationships with our father and mother. The family is the foundational building block of every society. When the family begins to crumble, the rest of that civilization is not far behind. It is in the home that we are supposed to learn to love and share and respect one another first. The parents may set the tone, but the children are also called to respect, obey and honor them for the hard job they are trying to accomplish.

As Paul points out in Ephesians 6, honoring our parents is the first commandment that is given with a promise, “that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.” We will live long because we will be a part of a solid foundation of a solid society that will not fall apart. When we do not tend to our foundation, our lives are weakened as we become distracted by things that will bring the family, and then society, harm.

It all starts at home. Family is important to God because, as our heavenly father, it is the model that He chooses to use for eternity. Yes, it is also the Church, but when we arrive in heaven, we will be part of one, big, eternal, unified family that sees each other as brothers and sisters, with our big brother Christ, to guide and cheer us and our heavenly Father, at the head of His table, lovingly surveying us all and smiling at the family He has made.

Prayer: Our Father who lives in Heaven we want to honor your name so that the whole world knows how holy You are. We want to see Your Kingdom principles, laws and decrees honored here on earth so that we live here as citizens of Heaven. We acknowledge our dependence upon you and need of your care and provision, so feed us today, again, Father, and thanks in advance! Also, Father, we acknowledge that though we are your children, we often fail to behave very well and need your forgiveness and grace so that we can continue to learn to love our brothers and sisters. And help us to forgive them to when they hurt us. Protect us too Father. Protect us from ourselves when we face temptation to do wrong and protect us from the devil who wants to destroy us. We need a lot of help with that! But we’re not worried, Father, because we know you are in total control. All the power glory and honor that is to give or have all belong to you and we are very happy about that! In Jesus’ name, amen.

Song: It’s My Father’s House  


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