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June 20 Happy Summer! Crucifying the Narcissist

A greedy person brings trouble to the family, but the one who hates bribes will live. ~Proverbs 15:27 

A stingy person is eager to get rich and is unaware that poverty awaits him. ~Proverbs 28:22 

A greedy person stirs up dissension, but the one who trusts in the Lord will prosper. ~Proverbs 28:25 

Among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of “GREED,” because these are improper for God’s holy people. Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or “GREEDY” person, such a man is an idolater, has any inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient. Therefore, do not be partners with them. ~Ephesians 5:3-7 

A greedy person: One who grasps everything he or she can with no thought of others. 
A stingy person: One who hordes everything he or she has with no thought of others. 

Narcissism: One who only thinks of him or herself. No one else’s thoughts, feelings or needs matter. It’s all about “the one.” 

All three of these mental attitudes are completely the opposite of “otherish” thinking. They are completely the opposite of who God has called us to be. So, isn’t it interesting to have to accept the fact that there’s really a little bit of that in all of us? We all begin life as greedy, selfish, stingy little narcissists. We can truly say, “I was born that way. I can’t help it!” That would be a true statement. 

Part of the growing up process is learning how to share, care and empathize with others. Discipline is intended to tame the potential monster within all of us. What the greedy, stingy adult person fails to appreciate, probably because he or she doesn’t care to, but what anyone who has ever loved a person in this mental frame of mind knows, is how devastating this behavior is on those around them, especially to their family. “A greedy person brings trouble to the family.” 

It’s hard to live with someone who makes it all about them. How they became so self-focused is probably a story in and of itself. History, however, can only explain, it can’t erase the present damage and pain that is created by the current behavior. Sadly, the stingy, greedy person, usually accomplishes the opposite of what they want. 

The greedy person hordes because they fear going without. Think of the run on toilet paper this past Spring, not to mention meat, hand sanitizer…you get the point. Individuals spent a lot of money to protect themselves from running out, but what if they don’t have a job to go back to, or an income to provide for the now future? Where has all that hording gotten them in the long run? 

The stingy person is afraid to share because they believe that others think like them and won’t share back when they have a need. They won’t ask for help, or help others, becoming impoverished in relationships and material blessing. It is very sad that neither the greedy nor the stingy person have learned that we are blessed to be a blessing. Unlike the greatest commandment that loves one’s neighbor as much as oneself, the greedy person loves him or herself too much and his or her neighbor, not at all. 

How different is the life that displays trust in God. He is not swayed by bribes, as a greedy person may be, because he or she is in pursuit of the truth and maintains a moral compass that knows that type of behavior is wrong. Greed and stinginess are not a snare to their morality. They are not self-focused. They care about the needs around them. They may meet their own needs, but only enough so they can then care for others. 

Do you remember the instructions that the flight attendant always gives, before taking off, concerning the oxygen masks? We are always instructed, to secure our own mask first, and then tend to those who are in need of help, children, the disabled, etc. That is a good example of how the great commandment should be lived out. You don’t put on your mask because you love yourself more, you put it on to enable you to be clear minded while you help those depending on you. You are acting out of love for them.

That’s also why Jesus tells us to remove the log from our own eyes before removing the speck from someone else’s. Jesus didn’t mean do not help at all. He meant get yourself ready to help others by dealing with your own hang ups first. Then you’re more fit to help. You can see more clearly without that log hanging in the way! 

None of us would probably consider ourselves greedy or stingy, or a narcissist. We do have to acknowledge, however, along with Paul, the struggle within us to prevent greedy or stingy attitudes from ruling. Why else would Paul have to mention crucifying our flesh, daily, to follow Christ? We are sinners saved by grace, but grace has not made us sinless in our flesh. That will happen with our new bodies at the resurrection, in Christ. 

Our sins have been forgiven so that we are clean before God, but our sinful nature will constantly be trying to rise up and master us again. This struggle against ourselves will be ours until the day we leave this world. The blessing is, we are not in this struggle alone. Christ is in the struggle with us, giving us the strength to resist and be victorious again. 

When Paul says that, “among you, there must not even be a hint,” and then goes on to list all sorts of character flaws, he sets a very high bar for the church to maintain. However, Christ is within in each of us to purify us, through His discipline so that, in turn, the church itself is becoming more like Christ as we each strive to crucify our flesh to gain His righteousness. 

Prayer: Oh Lord, examine me and help me remove any last vestiges of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people. Help me to control my tongue properly too. May my words be full of thanksgiving and praise! I am crucified with Christ and now live in Jesus’ name! Amen. 

Song: I am Crucified with Christ 

Grace, mercy and peace,



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