The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. ~Proverbs 22:7
Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law. ~Romans 13:8
We already know about the importance of paying off our debts, or the importance of trying to stay out of debt altogether. We’ve discussed these principles before. Paul, however, turns the tables a bit when it comes to thinking about being in debt spiritually. That’s what I thought it would be worth exploring today.
When we are in Christ, we are the richest of people. Our Heavenly Father has created, and in reality owns, everything. As His children, how can we be any richer than that? Yet, here is the difference. In the seen world, those who are rich, meaning that they have many possessions, rule over the poor. In the unseen world, we who are rich serve the poor. God has His eye on the poor, they have a special place in His heart. He calls us to care for them and in so doing fulfill His law of love.
“The borrower is servant to the lender.” ““Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another.” Our very lives are on loan to us. Our sins have been paid through the blood of Jesus. We are in debt to our heavenly Father beyond what we can ever pay. Yet, in Him, He has made us rich, so His repayment plan is for us to pay it forward by serving others.
That’s why it fulfills the law of love. He paid our debt out of His love for us and now, by loving others that He has also created, we don’t erase our debt to Him, but we do open doors of opportunity for others to learn of their debt also being paid, so that they doo can become rich in Christ. If we are a servant to our lender, Jesus Christ, it is a servanthood of love. He says “go,” and we go. He says “serve,” and we serve.
Saying “no,” is rebellion on our part and refusal, to acknowledge the debt and allegiance that we owe. Let’s show our thanks and appreciation to God for the riches He has bestowed on us by paying it forward through our love toward those who need His love. Let our acts of service be done with a thankful hearts toward the debt that was paid on our behalf. May our “ruling over” be done with a servant’s heart in imitation of Christ. May we be as motivated to fulfill the law of love as we are to erase a debt in the seen world.
Prayer: Father, I know I can never repay You. But thank You for letting me show my appreciation by paying it forward. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Song: Because of Your Love
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