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March 9: What’s Fun for You?

A fool finds pleasure in evil conduct, but one who has understanding delights in wisdom. ~Proverbs 10:23

I am laid low in the dust; preserve my life according to Your word. I recount my ways and You answer me; teach me Your decrees. Let me understand the teaching of Your precepts; then I will meditate on Your wonders. My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to Your word. Keep me from deceitful ways; be gracious to me through Your law. I have chosen the way of truth; I have set my heart on your laws. I hold fast to Your statutes, O Lord; do not let me be put to shame. I run in the path of Your commands, for You have set my heart free. ~Psalm 119:25-32

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. ~Psalm 37:4

So, the proverb today begs the question: How do you like to have fun? There’s fun, there’s foolish fun and then there’s awesome fun. Too bad more people aren’t attracted to the awesome fun that actually has the best rewards.

Let’s imagine that what entertains us is like three different kinds of paths we can take with our lives. First of all, there is the neutral types of pleasures or entertainments that we enjoy that are really just harmless. If they make us laugh or feel good, or serve as a simple diversion, that’s great. Dinner with friends, walks, a good book, or a vacation, the list is endless for the types of things that fit in this category. I see this type of pleasure as similar to the walks that Kathy and I take at the community center. They’re pleasant, stress reducing, good for our hearts, awesome when we meet up with others to socialize with. It’s a low impact work out that serves as a break from the stresses of the day. We can have conversations without being majorly interrupted. It’s just a good thing to try to fit into our day as we are able. It’s not getting us prepared for some major conquest, like a marathon or anything, but it’s harmless and beneficial.

Then there is the fool who, according to our proverb today, “finds pleasure in evil conduct.” I don’t think we need to spend much time on this one. We know that there are a lot of indulgences out there that aren’t good for us, effect our morals and waste our time. We know that there are those that are more harmless and acceptable and those that are deadly. If they were considered a path, we could probably characterize them as a slide downhill that gets our backsides dirty and lands us in the mud. They can start out fun, but too often end up messy.

Then there is the “one who has understanding and delights in wisdom.” It is so sad that too many Christians don’t find this more enjoyable. If they did, Bible studies would be packed and there would be demand for more. That is not the case in the church today, but wouldn’t it be awesome if it were? Sometimes I wonder if the thought of studying God’s Word reminds us of our school days when we had to study algebra and diagram sentences.  I think there is more to it than that though. This is a spiritual battle that many of us don’t want to engage.

Most people see delighting in God’s Word and wanting to study and learn from it like wanting to be a mountain climber and, to be truthful, most people just aren’t up for that. In truth, however, I think that many people sell themselves short when it comes to learning and understanding God’s Word. God Himself invites us to dig when He says in Jeremiah, “Call upon Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” (Jeremiah 33:3) It may seem like a bit of a mountain, because, our heavenly Father is deep and longs for a deep relationship with His children. He doesn’t want a casual or shallow, “Hi, have a nice day,” type of greeting. He already knows you, but He also wants to be fully known by you. He wants us to be unsatisfied with the scratch the surface approaches to getting to know Him and long for more. Most of our deepest and long lasting relationships may seem like a bit of a mountain to climb, but they are the ones that we also find most rewarding. In getting to know God, as with climbing a mountain, there are so many benefits, but consider especially the view at the top when you do it! Isn’t that a delight? Doesn’t that make all the growth and hard work worth it?

The writer of Psalm 119 wants to make that kind of a climb to know God’s Word better. David says in Psalm 37 that when we delight ourselves in the Lord, He will give us the desire of our heart, which is the desire to know Him better: to climb another mountain with Him because the first one was so rewarding. We need to pray for ourselves that God will move us to want that too.

Prayer: Father God, Thanks for Your Love! Now help me trust your Will and Wisdom. May I delight in Your Law and find the desires of my heart changing to fit with the desires You would give me. In Jesus' name, amen.

Song: Fill My Cup, Lord


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