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March 18 Pray for The Influencers

If a ruler listens to lies, all his officials become wicked. If a king judges the poor with fairness his thrown will always be secure. ~Proverbs 29:12 & 14

One thing God has spoken, two things have I heard: That You, O Lord, are strong, and that You, O Lord, are loving. Surely you will reward each person according to what he has done. ~Psalm 62:11-12

A person in leadership needs to be very careful, and prayerful about those he or she chooses to be in their circle of influence. While the person at the top may get the credit, or blame, there are those who have the ears of that leader for good or for bad.

Think of the ruler in Hans Christian Anderson’s story “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” Now, there was a man who was willing to listen to lies! However, all of his officials were complicit in the ruse. Consider the disgrace they were willing to let their leader endure, rather than be truthful and punish the scoundrels before anything happened. Surely, we all know that our leaders do best when they are surrounded by those who have integrity, who are not interested in personal gain, but have the interests of the ruler, and the nation, or the congregation, as top priority.

I had mentioned a while back that we are all leaders, but we are also influencers of our leaders whether we realize it or not. Very few leaders come into their position wanting to be at odds with everyone and live in a state of constant conflict. Unfortunately, for that reason, some leaders choose to surround themselves only with people who will agree with them and encourage them in the direction they want to go. On the other hand, there are those influencers who choose to fight their leaders at every turn and do all they can to thwart a leader’s efforts, even when they are trying to lead in a healthy direction. In either case it is both the leader and the organization that suffer for it.

I’m reminded of a conversation that I had with our son Matthew about ten years ago. He said, at the time that he’s not really interested in being a leader, but he wants to be the best follower of a leader that he can be. That might explain why he’s more interested in editing than writing. He likes being behind the scenes helping leaders get it right. He doesn’t just say what a leader wants to hear. He wants to bring his wisdom and understanding as collaborative support to help another be the best they can be for those he or she wants to lead. On a personal note, I have to tell you, I’ve been offering Matt my sermons at times for his editorial skills and I’ve found him to be very helpful and insightful. We’ve had a lot of good, in depth conversations lately and I know that I’m better for it.

Then, in contrast to those in earthly rule, let’s consider our eternal King who will never be removed because He is just and fair and loving toward all He has made. Isn’t it wonderful to know that our King’s throne is secure? He is always fair. He does not listen to lies about us from our main accuser, satan, but will always rule with justice.

This is yet another good reason to keep our earthly leaders in prayer, both in our earthly governments and in the church. We need to pray that they will surround themselves with wise influencers who will speak the truth and not hold back for fear of conflict. We need to pray that the influencers will bring godly reason to the table, but not hold back from change that is needed out of fear or because they personally just don’t like it. We also need to pray for ourselves as influencers, that we will give our best, that we won’t hold back with indifference, or push our own agenda over what is good for all. Of course, then we also need to pray that leaders will listen to the godly advice being offered. If only Solomon had done better in this area himself, he could have remained a godly leader and king to the end.

Prayer: First of all, Lord God, Good Shepherd, you are the leader I want to follow most closely! Then since you have made me a leader help me lead with wisdom and compassion. I want what you want for the people I serve. You have also made me an influencer of other leaders. So, I pray to be good to them and good for them. And I pray for all of my Christian brothers and sisters, because each and every one of them is a leader and an influencer. Even a shut in can lead and influence by prayer and communication. Lord, I also petition you, in your wisdom, please give us political and community leaders who listen to your voice and follow you. Thank You, Lord, for listening to us, and letting us influence you! That’s amazing! In Jesus’ name, amen.

Song: Lead on O King Eternal


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