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August 1 The Power of His Name!

The name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous run to it and are safe. ~Proverbs 18:10

You shall not misuse the Name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His name. ~Exodus 20:7 

The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Those who know your name will trust in you, for You, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek You. ~Psalm 9:9-10

In that day you will no longer ask me anything. I tell you the truth, My Father will give you whatever you ask in My Name. Until now you have not asked for anything in My Name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. ~John 16:23-24

In his play, “Romeo And Juliet,” the poet Shakespeare asks the question: “What’s in a name?” Well, evidently, if it is the right name, a lot. We know that names identify families. Last names carry with them reputations; some good, some bad. Sometimes names can serve as inspiration, such as when a parent tells the child, “You have a reputation to uphold.” In Dicken’s story, “The Christmas Carol,” Ebenezer Scrooge’s name was good enough for anything on the London Stock Exchange, meaning he had the means and power to pretty much do whatever he wanted. 

My own last name has a kind of interesting history. While I was growing up, I had always pronounced my last name the American way, enunciating the O I S. Then, in tenth grade, I took French and was introduced to the French pronunciation and adopted the “BWA,” for saying my last name because it sounds classy. When I arrived in Maine, I learned about the meaning behind the two ways of saying my last name. 

The French and the English did not get along well in Maine in the early years. There were also still rifts between Catholics and Protestants. So, I learned that the French pronunciation was supposed to telegraph that I am Catholic, and the English pronunciation telegraphed that I am American Protestant. I still like the French way better anyway, even though I am not Catholic. 

Then, about ten years ago, our family traveled to upstate New York for a “Du Bois Family Reunion.” The event included descendants of the Huguenots (French Protestants persecuted by the French Catholics) from all the way back to the 1600s. It’s not just the Dubois’ though. There are descendants of twelve families that gather every year in New Paltz, NY, on what they call the “oldest street in America.” The families have beautifully preserved the original homes of their first ancestral settlers. 

It was interesting. I learned that the pronunciation of my last name is disputed among all my cousins as well, with most descendants preferring the English, because they want to identify with American Protestantism. One of my ancestors even wrote a humorous poem about the controversy. 

So, you see, I have learned that Names really can matter to some people. For the most part, we do not think much about the power of a name today in Western culture, my family excluded. Reputations are made more on an individual basis. The matter of one’s name is less significant. But I guess it is still noticeable in smaller towns, where everybody knows everybody.

For the most part, people move around so much and intermingle so much and own so little property, that we are mostly known for who we are individually. Our name is usually nothing more than a handle to address each other. There is not much more weight to it than that. Yes, there are still important names, but they are in the minority. 

Solomon and Jesus both were speaking in a time when a name, had weight. If you were identified as part of a family that had a reputable and important name, you were protected. It was common for a person of importance to wear what is called a “signet ring,” a ring that had the equivalent of the person’s signature on it. When a document was folded, or rolled up, to be carried to someone else, a dripping of melted wax was placed on the fold to hold it closed. The sender would then press the signature, on his ring, into the melted wax to ensure that the missive would not be opened in route, but also to identify who the sender was. 

We read, for example, in the story of Esther, the king handing over his signet ring, (signature), first to Haman and then to Mordecai and in doing so, he was also handing over power. Those men were authorized to use that power for their own purposes. The King was endorsing their desires through the power of his name. In our case, when it comes to our relationship with the Lord, we are more than servants being lent the use of His name. We are even more than friends. When we use the name, “Christian,” we are claiming that we are His children, more than Christ followers, and that we belong to Him, even by name. 

During the time that Jesus walked this earth, a son would identify himself by saying, for example, Simon Bar Jonah, which meant “Simon, son of Jonah.” “Bar,” means “son of.” Jesus would have been more properly known as, “Joshua Bar Joseph.” It works for us that way with God. I am “Gregory, child of God.” I have all the rights that come from bearing that name. That name is my protection, like a strong tower. I can run home to my heavenly Father, or even just say, “I’m His child!” And in so doing I claim all the protection that comes from that title. 

Furthermore, Jesus has given me permission to use His signet ring when I pray. The Father will see that signature, “in the name of Jesus,” and listen because I have been adopted into the family through Jesus Himself and His blood. We have amazing protection and power because of the family name we bear. That is why the second of The Ten Commandments is, “You shall not misuse the Name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses His name.” (Exodus 20:7) When we abuse it, we will be disciplined because that is a family matter. Besides, it is our name too! Not every human being bears this name, only believers in Christ do. Why would we want to dishonor it? Nevertheless, we will never be disowned because we are the Lord’s through blood ties that cannot be dissolved. What a gift His Name is to us. 

Prayer: Father! I am known Your Name! I don’t deserve that! But oh, how I need it. Thank You Jesus, and as I go about in Your name today, may I bring you honor and glory as I live before those who know that I am a Christian. And if they don’t know, may they soon find out, by my witness, that I am a child of God. May I uphold the reputation of Your name. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Song: Your Name 


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