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352. I Am the Gate

Key Verse:  “Therefore,” Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep.”
John 10:7

This verse reminds me of a little chorus that we used to sing in Sunday school.   “One door and only one and yet its sides are two. Inside and outside on which side are you?  One door and only one and yet its sides are two.  I’m on the inside on which side are you?
A gate, or a door, is useful for two things.  It can admit those with whom we wish to keep company and keep out those with whom we do not wish to associate.  The gate serves as a filter of protection for our lives.

We see this again in the Exodus from Egypt.  We talked yesterday about the pillar of cloud and fire that gave light to the people of Israel, but plunged the Egyptians into darkness.  Yet, this pillar also served as a door, a barrier, keeping the people of Israel safe by keeping the Egyptians away.  “God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in times of trouble.”  (Psa. 46:1)  A refuge is an enclosed area, a shelter.  The only way in is through the door or gate.  A shepherd may herd his sheep into an enclosure, or refuge, for the night and then position himself in the doorway using his body as the actual gate for his sheep.  If a sheep wanted to wander away, it would have to try to climb over its shepherd.  If an enemy wanted to break in and steal, again, it would have to get past the shepherd first.  God is our refuge and Jesus is our gate.

In the Old Testament, one of the tasks assigned to the priests at the temple, was that of gate keeper.  When someone came to the gate, it was the task of the gate keeper to discern whether that person were friend or foe and then open or shut the gate accordingly.  Jesus, however, isn’t just a servant or priest at the gate, Jesus is the gate itself.  When we rely on Him, He will protect us from harm and keep us safe.  We can rebel, but remember, we have to climb over Him first.

Now, you may be thinking, “If Jesus protects us from harm, then why do I suffer?”  We’ve covered this in other messages, so I won’t rewrite those points here.  The key is to see Jesus, the gate, as a filter.  He will allow in what He knows will help us grow stronger and more like Him.  He will keep out all that the enemy would like to hurl at us when it will not serve His purpose for us.  This is when we need to trust our Gate for our good.

While it is true that Jesus serves as our personal gate, we need to realize that He is also the gate for His community.  He says, “I am the gate for the sheep.”  (John 10:7B)  Sheep move in a flock, not as individuals.  He will protect His flock from harm.  He will protect them from wolves who are looking for a meal or from thieves who have their own reasons for harassing.  He may even protect His flock from you if He knows that you are not one of His own. He is the gate to protect His sheep, not all sheep from harm.

“I am the gate; whoever enters through Me will be saved.  He will come in and go out, and find pasture.”  (John 10:9)  You are His sheep if you have entered the kingdom of God through Him.  There is no other way. As Peter declared to his accusers:  Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”  (Acts 4:12

Add the color gray to our portrait of Christ.  Gray is the color of a weathered gate, or the color of a weathered piece of wood used as a cross piece, the door through which eternal life is granted.


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