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328. Jesus Commissions Peter

Key Verse:  Then Jesus said to him, "Follow Me."
John 21:19A

Before Jesus was crucified, an event that must have seemed so long ago, to Peter, Peter had denied even knowing who Jesus was.  It was a lie, of course, but to make it worse, he had repeated that lie three times.  Peter hadn't been on trial, he had been in the court yard.  His interrogator hadn't been a man of authority, but servant girls.  Yet, Peter had been afraid to admit to these lowly servants what He had said so boldly to Jesus’ face:  "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."  (Matthew 16:16)    His boldness had turned to cowardice in the face of adversity.  Now, face to face with the Master once again, with the relationship restored, Jesus gives him the opportunity to recommit himself to Jesus' cause.  He had denied Jesus three times.  Now, three times, Jesus calls Peter to pledge himself to Him.  "Feed my lambs. Tend my sheep. Feed my sheep."

Back in the upper room, Jesus had told His disciples, "Whoever has My commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves Me.  (John 14:21A)  Is it any wonder then that, before Jesus issues a charge, or command to Peter He challenges Peter with the question, "Do you love Me?"  Peter denied Jesus three times.  Now, three times Jesus causes Peter to affirm his love and then, Jesus challenges Peter with an action by which Peter can demonstrate his love.

"Feed My Lambs."  (John 21:15)  Who are His lambs?  It isn't just little children who are His lambs, but those who are babes in Christ.  New converts need guidance, encouragement and nourishment in order to be able to grow into strong, healthy followers of Jesus.  If we love Him, we will nurture those we bring to Him.

"Take care of My sheep."  Here, Jesus is calling Peter to not just be a fisherman, but a shepherd of those who are brought into Jesus’ flock.  It's not enough to produce offspring, once they are born, they need a shepherd's care.  A shepherd sacrifices his life for the sheep.  His life is not his own.  Everything he does is geared toward keeping the sheep safe and satisfied.  Sheep are known to easily wander from the path into trouble.  They need a shepherd to go before them to guide them in paths of righteousness.

Finally, Jesus said, "Feed my sheep."  It is interesting that with this third question and command, we are given a hint that Peter's confidence in Jesus’ forgiveness is possibly waning.  Peter is hurt that Jesus would question his love yet a third time.  Yet, Jesus persists in order to bring home His point.  My sheep need to be continually fed Peter.  It's not enough to bring them to me.  It's not enough to guide them.  You must be always going before them, preparing a table to feed them my Word and My ways so that they will remain strong under your care.   Before His death, Jesus had not only warned Peter that he would disown Jesus, but He had offered a hope to Peter, "When you have turned back, strengthen your brothers."  (Luke 22:32B)  Jesus is repeating that charge here.

Physically, as an adult, I still need to eat to live.  Becoming a Christian, or joining a church, is not enough.  We need to continually feed on God's word to boldly live for Him.  Jesus makes sure that Peter takes this responsibility seriously.

James makes the warning here clear:  "Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly."  (James 3:1)  We may be tempted to think that Jesus is raising Peter to greatness here, but in truth, He is resting a huge mantle of responsibility on Peter's shoulders.  Peter is being given the responsibility to keep the faith and keep it pure, to guide those who will come after him and to set an example, as Jesus Himself had done.  And, as we shall see, Peter understood.

Hymn:  "I Am a Servant” Larry Norman 


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