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327 Breakfast on the Beach

Key Verse:  Jesus said to them, "Bring some of the fish you have just caught."
John 21:10

Why does God, the all-knowing, all capable include us in His plans and provision?  There are so many things that He could just do on His own.  If He didn't bother to include us, His works would be so much more perfect and would be such a blessing to the world.  Yet, earthly parents do the same thing when they ask their children to lend a hand, or keep them company while they work.  It's about relationship.  It's about encouragement.  It's about partnering with us for our sake and the benefit of our fellow human beings on this earth.

Jesus demonstrated this cooperative attitude when He used a boy’s lunch to create the miracle with the five loaves and two fish that fed 5,000. He could have just, provided, but He didn't. So it is again here, He certainly could have just provided a meal for His disciples on the beach and let them keep the rest to sell.  After all, He was already cooking.  I'm sure that what He had prepared would have been ample to feed them all.  Instead, He invited them to contribute to the meal and they did so, gladly.

I imagine that it was a cool, crisp spring morning.  The boat was within shouting distance of shore.  The sun was just coming up.  The birds were in full voice as they usually are that time of day.  It must have been a beautiful morning in more ways than one, and it was spring!

Some critics fault Peter for going on a fishing expedition rather than just sitting around waiting for directions from Jesus.  In truth, Jesus hadn't told His disciples to just vegetate until they heard from Him again.  They didn't know that their time was limited with Him on this earth.  They liked fishing.  It was their original profession, so Peter got the bug and decided to take a turn around the lake.  Others joined in.

Jesus does not fault them for this so I won't either.  I will point out, however, that, as far as we know, this was the last time that the fishermen would fish for fish.  True to His word, when Jesus first met Peter way back at the beginning of His ministry, "Don't be afraid; from now on you will catch men."  (Luke 5:11)  That's what Peter did in the end. He left the trade for good on this morning, for Jesus, and never looked back.

Luke is also the writer that tells us that Peter and Jesus had a private meeting on the day that Jesus was raised from the dead.  "It is true!  The Lord has risen and has appeared to Simon!"  (Luke 24:34)  All had been forgiven by Jesus of Simon's betrayal that dark night which must have seemed so long ago now.  Peter's not afraid to meet Jesus!  He is eager to be near Him again.  Peter has been forgiven much and he knows it, but he also knows that Jesus loves him, now unconditionally, as Jesus loves us and offers that same forgiveness when we have a sincere, heartfelt conversation with Him and accept what He has to offer.

What an amazing morning it must have been for the disciples, enjoying food and fellowship with the risen Lord, just like old times.  The strife and stress was over for now.  There would be more to come for each man, individually as they did their part to fulfill Jesus’ great commission.  This meal, this morning would stand in their memories as an oasis.  It would be a time to reflect on the past and relive old memories, but they would probably eventually see it as a time of new beginnings for all of them.

As a follower of Jesus, it is so important to make sure that we take the time to just bask in His presence.  We can reflect on where we have walked with Him thus far but also see each morning as an oasis with Jesus to prepare ourselves for what must come. "O Lord, be gracious to us; we long for You.  Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress.”  Isaiah 33:2.


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