27:11-14, Mark
15:1-5, Luke
23:1-7, John
Key Verse: Jesus answered, "You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to Me."
John 18:37
The Sanhedrin has found Jesus guilty of blasphemy. This is a crime punishable by death according to Jewish law. The Sanhedrin has a problem. They now live under Roman law as an occupied country. The Romans were willing to endure the petty religious laws of the Jews, but matters of life and death were not matters of petty religion. Jesus had to be found guilty of committing a crime against the state or else Rome really wouldn't care how many religious laws Jesus had broken. Jesus would not be sentenced to death. However, Jesus must die. That was the end game. Whatever it took to accomplish that, the Jewish leadership would not be deterred.
Key Verse: Jesus answered, "You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to Me."
John 18:37
The Sanhedrin has found Jesus guilty of blasphemy. This is a crime punishable by death according to Jewish law. The Sanhedrin has a problem. They now live under Roman law as an occupied country. The Romans were willing to endure the petty religious laws of the Jews, but matters of life and death were not matters of petty religion. Jesus had to be found guilty of committing a crime against the state or else Rome really wouldn't care how many religious laws Jesus had broken. Jesus would not be sentenced to death. However, Jesus must die. That was the end game. Whatever it took to accomplish that, the Jewish leadership would not be deterred.
they needed to appeal to Pilate who was the governor of the district
of Judea, appointed by Rome. It would appear, at Jesus'
first appearance before Pilate, that the accusations of the Sanhedrin
weren't very impressive. "He doesn't pay His taxes." "He
says He's a king!" To make matters worse, the Jews are so
concerned that they can continue participating in the observance of
Passover week, they insult Pilate by insisting that he come to them,
outside, so that they won't be contaminated by going into his home.
Pilate, wisely removes Jesus from among them to talk with Him
privately, face to face. From Pilate's perspective, Jesus appears to
have a bit of, what we might call, a Messiah complex, but otherwise,
He seems harmless enough. During
the interchange Jesus said, “You
say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into
the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth
listens to me.”
is truth?” retorted Pilate. And
this was his way of dismissing any cause to listen to Jesus. However
perhaps Jesus'
calm demeanor spoke
volumes to
Pilate, who was more
used to criminals protesting their innocence or begging for mercy.
Jesus wasn't anything like them and Pilate
is moved by Jesus, so much so that, while he could have humored the
Sanhedrin by bowing to their wishes to have this poor, seemingly
common Jew
put to death, the call for some sort of justice stirs within him and
he works toward setting Jesus free.
Sanhedrin will have none of it, however. They
accuse Jesus of stirring up trouble from Galilee to Jerusalem. It is
then that Pilate hits on the plan that, if Jesus is from Galilee, why
not let the person in charge of that district take care of Him. After
all, Herod is a Jew, in town for the Passover just like so many
others. Let Herod deal with this ridiculous
situation. He is more familiar with the Jewish law anyway. Thinking
that he has made a slick move and rid himself of the concern of
putting an innocent man to death, Pilate orders
that the Sanhedrin take their problem to Herod and let him deal with
it since, technically, Jesus is one of his citizens and not really
from Judea.
is the true politician now, trying to please everyone and, in the
end, it will get him nowhere. While Pilate has the backing of a power
like Rome, when facing the crowd, we see that his convictions are
really built on shifting sand. He wants to be popular and he wants to
get away from the responsibility of making the tough decision and
being firm. How often are we guilty of the same lack of resolve? It
ends up not working too well for Pilate, and it usually doesn't end
up working too well for us either. It is better to rest on the rock
of the truth that Jesus spoke of than the chaos we may see before us.
Sand will shift, but rock remains solid.
Song: Song
of Truth
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