Luke 23:32 , John 19:18 Key Verse: Here they crucified Him, and with Him two others, one on each side and Jesus in the middle. John 19:18 There He was, right in the middle of sin. He wasn't off to one side or the other, but right in the middle, with sinners on either side, His hands stretched toward them, redeeming us all. Since He had taken Barabbas' place, chances are that Barabbas was the ring leader. The men on either side may have been Barabbas' accomplices. This is speculation, of course, but entirely possible. Jesus was guilty of nothing on His own. Yet, He was dying the death of a criminal in our place. He had loved sinners, eaten with them, and ministered to them. Now, He was dying with them and for them out of love for them and us. When you say, "He took my place," you are speaking the truth. He took your sin, your pettiness, your selfishness, your dark thoughts and plead guilty to them all. He did not do it because we are so lovable. He d...
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