Key Verse: "Peace
I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives.
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
John 14:27
chapters 15 and 16 are included in the Upper Room Discourse, I believe that
these are some of the last words spoken in the intimate setting of the upper
room itself. Jesus takes these few minutes of talking face to face to review
and wrap up His message before He moves out, and on to a new theme.
First, Jesus
emphasizes that it's okay if they can't remember everything that He has said to
them on this evening or throughout His ministry. The Counselor, or Holy Spirit
will come, and the Holy Spirit will help them to remember.
Then, He
reminds them of His gift of peace. He knows that the times ahead are hard. He
knows that He is leaving His bride in a hostile environment, but He will give
them His peace to help them cope in hard times. Paul referred to it as,
"the peace that passes understanding," (Phil.
4:7) and so it does. He does not give it to us because we deserve it or
have earned it, as the world gives gifts, and He will not take it away again as
gifts from the world are so often taken away again for obscure reasons. No, His
peace is His gift of commitment to us because He "Loves," (action
word), loves us no matter what.
Jesus returns to the marriage theme. Yes, He is going away to the Father. It is
hard for Him to tear Himself away from His betrothed, but He must go back to
the Father to prepare a place for us. Yet, He leaves behind a gift, the Holy
Spirit that is a proof of His promise to return for His bride as soon as
Jesus says, "I will not speak with you much longer, for the prince of this
world is coming." Remember, satan had already entered Judas Iscariot. Even
now, the trap was being set to capture Jesus. While the disciples were
experiencing this moment of peace with Jesus, Judas and the leadership were
giving last minute instructions to the soldiers before moving out. "He has
no hold on Me, but the world must learn that I love the Father and I do exactly
what My Father has commanded Me." (John 14:30-31)
How will the world see
Jesus' love for His father? On the cross. The cross is the pinnacle of Christ's
obedience to the Father. He obeyed because He loves the Father and He obeyed
because He loves us. His obedience demonstrates complete trust in the Father,
just as our obedience demonstrates complete trust in Him, no matter what we are
asked or what the cost. If we abide in His peace, the peace He is offering
here, and push away fretting and worry, which doesn't help anyway, (Matt.
6:25-34), obedience and trust become much easier to accomplish.
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