Key Verse: "If
anyone loves Me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and We will
come to him and make our home with him."
John 14:23
The world
cannot see God, but they do see us. We are the world's window to God. That is
why it is so important that we obey His Will. When we stray, yet claim to be
His follower, we not only lie to the world, but obscure the world's view of God
through our disobedience.
why do You intend to show yourself to us and not to the world," the other
Judas asks? The world does not love Jesus because it does not know Him. Not
only does it not know or love Him, it has rejected even wanting to know Him.
They cannot see Him because they do not believe in Him. It is our responsibility,
with Him within us, to woo others to Him so that they can see Him and believe
in Him as well.
We are His
advertisement to the world. What does the world see of God through us? Jesus
said that if we love one another, by this, all will know that we are His
disciples. (John
13:34-35) Does the world see a loving, accepting people?
Jesus called
us to serve, to go as low as to wash one another's feet! (Mark
10:44-45) & (John
13:12-17) Does the world see a people eager to serve one another, and them?
Does the
world see the fruit of the Spirit displayed in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience,
gentleness, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, self-control? (Galatians
5:22-23) Or do they see frazzled, worried people who react and become
angry, just like them in tough situations? Do they see you, confident and
loving, trusting in your Lord that all will work out for the good, (Rom. 8:28)
or do they see someone fretting and gossiping and petty, living no differently
than they do. Why should they desire to be a Christian if there is no
"He who
does not love Me will not obey My teaching. These words you hear are not My
own; they belong to the Father who sent Me." (John 14:24) When we obey His
words we are obeying the Father. When we don't obey, we cannot be at one with
Him. When we disobey, we pull back from the Oneness. We cannot be one with Him
while we are in disagreement. Did you ever see your disobedience as having such
serious consequences? Did you realize that when you disobey, you are pulling
away from the Father and fracturing the whole? Did you realize that when you
disobey, you distort the world’s view of God, like a fun house mirror distorts
reality? When you disobey, the world sees you being human and sinful like them,
they do not see God in all His glory. They do not see the difference Christ
Remember, as
a Christian, our life is His now. "Because I live, you also will
live." (John 14:19B) Do not continue to try to drag Him into your life of
sin, but let Him pull you into His life of glory. Leave the old life behind and
move forward, seeking to become One with Him.
Hymn: "We Are One in the Spirit"
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