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160. The Parable of The Lost Sheep

Key Verse: "Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep." I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent."
Luke 15:6B-7

It's probably the case that the account Matthew has given took place at a different time and location than the account in Luke. In Matthew, Jesus was continuing His concern for children and His audience may have been mostly made up of His disciples and followers. In Luke, while it is true that His disciples and other followers were present, Jesus is targeting His critics, the religious crowd who were always around, looking for an excuse to find fault. I thought, however, that I could combine these two narratives because the message is the same. There is rejoicing in heaven when just one sinner repents and turns to Him for salvation.

I think that it is so easy for us who are in church to forget how much God longs for those who are still lost to Him. We can so easily deceive ourselves into thinking that we're better or that God loves us more because we've cleaned up our act, or because we're doing all the right things. That's where Jesus' religious critics were. They fasted twice a week, they prayed, they tithed everything right down to the spices in their garden. They kept the Sabbath, sort of, they were sure to keep the ceremonial cleansings and they would never mingle with those of a questionable reputation.

They made an art of God's admonition to be separated. Really, what wasn't to love about these people? They worked so hard to earn God's love! In truth, however, they were like the priests who were called "bad shepherds" in Ezekiel with whom God was angry because they were not taking seriously their responsibility for the flock that God had given them. Instead, they were being selfish and ambitious for earthly gain. They were shepherds who were more concerned about themselves than about the sheep.

Jesus paints God in a different light. He is not content with the ninety-nine healthy, obedient sheep sleeping safely under His care. His thoughts are for that poor sheep, lost and cold. Perhaps it is frightened or hurt. It is certainly in danger from predators, like bears and lions because it has no means to defend itself.  (This also makes a good argument for being a member of a congregation rather than isolating yourself and thinking you can worship God in your own way.) Does not satan prowl about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Perhaps it wandered away by being distracted. Perhaps it wandered away as a willful act of disobedience. That doesn't matter. The sheep is lost and the shepherd cannot rest until it is found and restored to the fold.

Do you realize that that is how much God loves you? Do you realize how far He was willing to go to pursue you and reclaim you as His own?

Perhaps you were brought up in a Christian home and have never known the perils of straying. You may think that you are fortunate, but you are in danger yourself if you are not praying for your lost brother while your shepherd is searching. He is not just content to have you and think, "That's enough." He is passionate for those who still need to be gathered in. And he wants you to be passionate for them too! And just think, with God, it really is true, "the more the merrier!" Let's party!


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