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November 28 The Purposes of Our Creator

All men’s efforts are for his mouth, yet his appetite is never satisfied. What advantage has a wise man over a fool? What does a poor man gain by knowing how to conduct himself before others? ~Ecclesiastes 6:7-8 

For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. ~Ephesians 2:10 

In our early years, I worked at a factory in Grand Rapids. I remember one day as a fellow worker and I were working, the foreman came over to talk. He said, “I don’t know boys, sometimes it seems kind of pointless. You get up to go to work You work to earn money that pays the bills. But the bills are food, rent and utilities to keep you alive and healthy so you can eat, sleep, and get up to go to work! It’s just and endless cycle.” 

That’s pretty much along the same lines as Solomon today. Then he asked us if we think it’s worth it. He actually ended up saying, “It’s pointless!” Well, I piped up and first I agreed with him. “Yes, Carl if that’s all there is to life it just not worth living.” He was taken aback! Then I went on to talk about my life in Christ and that he gives my life meaning and purpose as I serve him. 


He next wanted to know how I see myself serving the Lord if I’m just working in a furniture factory. So, I talked about the time I spend doing other things beside work, like church, and how much I found enjoyment by serving through my church and tithing. That shocked him. “You give your money away?” I said, “Sure. If I just spend it all on me, that is pointless. But as God uses me to be generous and help out other people, that’s meaningful.”

Today, my message is really short and sweet. It is a review of so much that we have already talked about this year. If you are experiencing life the way that Solomon, or my ex-foreman described, I encourage you to look up! Look beyond the seen world into the unseen world where your creator continues designing everything with purpose and meaning, including you.

We’ve talked before about how He not only created you with purpose but planned your purpose before life began to do good works that would bring Him glory. We are a part of His masterpiece. Someday, we will see it in full and be amazed at how we contributed to its beauty. Don’t live like Solomon, who was obviously looking out only for himself.

Think about it, he was a king, but when he looked only at himself, he saw no point. God gives us purpose. Our lives are meaningful because of Him, even if we’re just “peasants” in the seen world. He designed us, formed us, for His use. He loves us and enjoys us as we are, yet He loves to tinker with us to make us even more Him than we are now. Our Father is in this, all of this, for His glory! Praise the Lord!

Prayer: Father, thank You for the meaning and purpose you infuse into my otherwise pointless life. Of course, the thing is, before I knew You, it only seemed pointless. You gave my life a meaning from before I was born. You designed me with Your purpose in mind first. Thank You for letting me know about that. I believe it! Thank You, Jesus! Amen.

Song: My Tribute

Grace, mercy and peace,

Greg & Kathy


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