Romans 5:1-5 Listen link: then look for “sermons” tab. Two donkeys were walking around in Jerusalem, and one starts up a conversation saying, “You know, just the other day, I was walking down the main street of this city, carrying Jesus on my back. And it was amazing. People were shouting and singing, why they were even throwing palm branches and even their own cloaks down on the ground for me to walk on! But it didn’t last. Today, nobody remembers. Nobody recognizes me.” The other donkey says, “That’s the way it is. Without Jesus, you’re nothing.” The third purpose for which we were created was to become like Christ in character. This is what it means to be fully formed in the image of God. Unfortunately, it is our suffering that produces perseverance, that leads to good and godly character. But it is imperative that we remember that we can only do that with Christ. Good thing he promised, “I will be with you always, even to the end of the age.” Let’s review...
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