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Showing posts from March, 2019

Faith: It’s Character Building

Romans 5:1-5 Listen link: then look for “sermons” tab. Two donkeys were walking around in Jerusalem, and one starts up a conversation saying, “You know, just the other day, I was walking down the main street of this city, carrying Jesus on my back. And it was amazing. People were shouting and singing, why they were even throwing palm branches and even their own cloaks down on the ground for me to walk on! But it didn’t last. Today, nobody remembers. Nobody recognizes me.” The other donkey says, “That’s the way it is. Without Jesus, you’re nothing.” The third purpose for which we were created was to become like Christ in character. This is what it means to be fully formed in the image of God. Unfortunately, it is our suffering that produces perseverance, that leads to good and godly character. But it is imperative that we remember that we can only do that with Christ. Good thing he promised, “I will be with you always, even to the end of the age.” Let’s review...

Created for Fellowship

Scripture: John 13:33-35 I was talking to Lee last week and I realized that if he could tell you a little bit about his work with the Gideons, that would probably make a very good introduction to today’s message about the second purpose for which we were created by God, which is to belong to each other. So, Lee, would you please? ……………..(This testimony is in the audio format.) Last week we talked about the greatest commandment, which is to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.”   We said that this would fulfill the first purpose for which we were created: to know and love God, which is the essence of worship. The second greatest commandment addresses the second purpose for which we were created which is to belong to a family, God’s family. The second greatest commandment, according to Jesus is, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” which is actually Jesus quoting part of Leviticus 19:18. The whole verse reads, “Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge...

75. What Do You Long For?

Matthew 5:6 ,   Luke 6:21 , Psalm 63 Key Verse: My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise You. Psalm 63:5 What are you hungry for, really?     When that question is addressed to our physical interests, we seem to have no shortage of answers.     Some of us like Chinese food while others prefer Mexican.     Some prefer sweets, while others, like me, prefer the salty foods such as chips and crackers.     We have no problem finding food to satisfy our physical appetites and, as     a result, most of us are overweight and out of shape. How sad then that, for spiritual food, where the selection is God’s word itself, so many of us are malnourished.  It’s the one food craving that He promises to fulfill, yet too many of us do not accept His offer, preferring instead the items that do not satisfy and will only have to be supplied again.  If only we ...

Purposefully Made

Scripture: Ephesians 2:8-10 “Works which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Have you ever wondered, if God has it all planned out like that, why doesn’t he just walk into your room, sit on your bed and simply tell you, “Okay, so this is what you should do. Here’s your list of things to do.” Well, that would be nice. And sometimes God does give very specific instructions, to particular people, for special purposes. For example, Noah. God definitely told Noah to build that big boat, the ark. And he told him why also. So, the reason Noah existed was to save his own family from the judgement of the flood. Then there’s Abraham. God told him specifically to leave his home town, to be led by the hand through the land of Canaan, “to the place where I will show you,” said God. Oh, and have a kid, because there’s going to be a lot more descendants in later generations. So, the reason Abraham existed was to start the nation of Israel, from whom Messiah would be born. Then there’s Mo...