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Chosen and Sealed

Ephesians 1:11-14

Listen Link:!this-weeks-sermon/c20mw

Today we celebrate God’s goodness and gracious provision! This text gives us some assurances of both our salvation and the real presence of the Holy Spirit infused into our very being.

Can I tell you what it was like for me as a young lad? I was very bright in school, but not much of an athlete. I spent a lot of time in books and not much time on any ball field. I didn’t really like gym class. I was kind of awkward out there. Worst of all, in grade school and junior high, you don’t get much sympathy from your classmates for being a dork.

I could do ok as an individual with physical exertion. For example, in third grade, I was the only one of the boys in my class who could climb the 15-foot rope all the way to the ceiling. I was really proud of that accomplishment because none of the bigger, tougher, more athletic boys could do it. They were so impressed they couldn’t contain themselves. Someone blurted out to the teacher. “How come he can do that?” But they weren’t really congratulating me. They were just terribly surprised that the 80-pound weakling could do anything they couldn’t do.

Team sports was my big problem. I never got to be captain. But I didn’t want to either. I just wasn’t into it. I also never got chosen until the very last, or nearly last. Nobody wanted me to be chosen for anything. And that’s why I am telling this story. Can you imagine how it feels for me to read these words, “In him we were also chosen,” That is a big deal! The captain of the world, the king of the universe, wants me on His team!

Then it gets really interesting. The text says that “we have been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will.” Now predestined can be a scary word. Does predestined mean a predetermined future that I cannot avoid? Don’t I get to choose what I want to do? What about free will?

Set aside the question of free will for a moment and take another look at who chose you and who planned to work out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will. We are talking about God here! The same God who is portrayed as the Good Shepherd who leads us beside still water and quiet pastures and even safely through the valley of the shadow of death! We should trust him! We should rejoice that he is one the one who made the plan and that his plan cannot be thwarted.

Now back to free will. You have the right to choose between what ultimately turns out to be only two options. You can cooperate with this master plan or you can fight against it. That is what you are free to choose. Which will you choose? And here is a little inside joke, if you don’t like this idea of predestination and try to use it as an argument against faith in God, you have just chosen, of your own free will, to not trust God, to have no faith in him, to resist God’s plan and join the rebellion against God, a rebellion that is doomed to failure, destruction and eternal damnation! 

It's sort of like being on an ocean liner after it struck an iceberg. The speakers are announcing where the life preservers are and where the life boats are and giving directions for how to safely escape the sinking ship. I specifically didn’t say Titanic because on the Titanic there were not enough life saving devices to rescue everyone. But in this boat everyone could get off safely if they follow directions.

Nevertheless, the end is near and it is inevitable. You might say “predestined.” The ship will sink. But you also have free will. Now, you can use it to either cooperate with the plan of salvation, or try to find another way to escape. Things will go far better for you if you obey and take the way of salvation that is offered.

Now if you do actually get on a life boat, you are saved! You could say you were predestined to be there by the fact that you cooperated with the emergency escape plan that had been provided for and predetermined before the boat ever left the dock.

Predestination in God’s plan of salvation is very similar. The way of salvation has been provided for ahead of time. This world has fallen into sin. There is only one way of escape; faith in Jesus Christ. You have free will to try to find another way. But there is no other way. Things will go far better for you if you obey and take the way of salvation that is offered. Now if you do believe in Jesus Christ and trust in him for your salvation, you could say you were predestined to that by the fact that you cooperated with the emergency escape plan that had been provided for and predetermined before the beginning of the world.

One more thing about the word predestination. It is about God’s foreknowledge. But just because he knew ahead of time what you would do, that doesn’t mean he made you do it. Haven’t you ever looked at one of your friends after they have made some decision and said to them, “I knew you were going to do that.” Does that mean you made him do it? No. And so free will is preserved in spite of foreknowledge and predestination.

Blessed are they who put their hope in Christ, for this turns out to be for the praise of his glory. His glory is what provides for us and cares for us and meets our needs. The greatest glory of God is revealed in his willingness to forgive us our sins and secure our place in Heaven as our inheritance. That’s right. Jesus died on the cross for us and when he died, according to his own last will and testament, we inherited his estate, which is all of heaven! And best of all, the risen Lord is alive and well and there in paradise to enjoy it all with us.

Our text goes on to say, “And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Romans 10:17 says, “Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.” Then our text goes on to say, “When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.”

As the heirs, we are also the children. We belong to God. Every believer has the Holy Spirit. His presence in us is God's mark of ownership on our lives. Since he owns us, we are His inheritance just as much as he is ours. This is a mutual thing. The presence of the Holy Spirit fulfills his promise and serves as a guarantee that all of His promises will be kept to you.

Ok so that’s all nice to say, and maybe for a thinker it’s really inspiring, but does it make any difference in your real life? Does it make any real, noticeable difference in the way you live your life? How does this teaching have any impact on your ability to fulfill the great commission and participate in the work of making disciples? First of all, if you have been chosen by god to enter into this way of salvation, then you have been chosen by God to go and make disciples too. No Christian gets excused from that. No true Christian even wants to be excused from that.

So if you look into your heart and find that you don’t even want to make disciples, you just want to think of yourself as a nice Christian, loved by God, forgiven of your sins, but you don’t have any deep desire to share that news with someone else, then you need to wonder if you really are a saved by grace Christian. I say that because a genuine Christian who has received the Holy Spirit really has a deep desire implanted in them that wants to see other people saved.

There are plenty of people in this world who call themselves Christian, but they are religious people, not spirit filled Christians gifted by God to do the work of the great commission. But you as a believer you have the Holy Spirit, you have everything you need to do what God has called you to do!

You have eternal life. You will never die. You have nothing to fear. You have everything to gain as you lay up treasures in heaven.

You have the love of God overflowing in your heart that longs to reach out to others and share the gospel so that they might be saved.

You have the power of God in the gospel that changes the lives of those who hear about Jesus.

You have spiritual gifts that you can use to bless people in Jesus name so that you earn their respect and they know that when you tell them about Jesus it is because you love them and are not trying to make them like you. That has two meanings. You are not trying to make them the same as you. They don’t have to be like you to be accepted by you. And you are not trying to make them like you. They don’t have to pay you compliments because you served them so well. They don’t have to like you at all, but you will love them anyway in the power of the Holy Spirit, the same way that Jesus loved you while you were still a sinner, before you even liked him and way before you started acting like him.

What happens when God’s church is filled with the Holy Spirit? Stories like the one I heard yesterday at the Great Lakes Conference Annual meeting. The Grace Community Covenant Church in Louisville, Kentucky, when they worship on Sunday they leave the doors open. The music and worship spill out onto the street. There was a woman, addicted and supporting it through prostitution, who was too ashamed to come into the building. But she used to sit on the steps and listen to the sermons and music. At the end of the service, she would get up to leave, but she would wave to the pastor before she walked away. He waved back. They learned she was called Mimi. Other things they found out was that she had four kids, all of whom were taken away from her by the state because she neglected them while she was an addict.

One day the pastor happened to meet her walking around carrying a bottle of liquor with her. As he approached, she said, “Pastor I can’t talk to you. I got this in my hand an all.” The pastor said, “No that’s all right, Christ already knows all about that.” And he talked with her and encouraged her to come inside some time.

Not long after that, he saw her sit in the very back pew, by the door. She always left quickly, but the people of the church always tried to welcome her warmly and help her feel comfortable there. After a little while, she began to sit farther forward, more like in the middle of the sanctuary. But there came a day. An invitation was made and she ran to the front to give her heart to Jesus.

Then she entered rehab. Six months after that she was still clean and sober. Not long after that, she got a job, a place to live and she got all her kids back. The church loved her all the way. Now she is an active member. Her real name is Brenda. And remember this is a church in Kentucky? Here’s an additional little fact that will make a difference in the story for many of you I think. Pastor William Mack of Grace Community Covenant church is a wonderful spirit filled black man, and Brenda is a wonderful, now spirit filled white woman.

The Holy Spirit is at work in the people of that congregation! I am looking forward to the stories we will be telling as we invite and allow the Holy Spirit to have his way among us. The Holy Spirit is the life force that changes lives. Has he changed your life? Do you consciously depend upon the Holy Spirit for your life’s direction? Do you know you are a Christian by God’s grace at work in you? Would you like to make sure?

I want to make a special invitation today. I am not just talking to people who have not yet placed any faith in Jesus. I am talking to the people who say they believe in Jesus for forgiveness of sins. You believe in Jesus for salvation. Good! God bless you! But, do you know whether or not you have also received the Holy Spirit to live a life empowered by God? Or, do you think maybe you might have received the Holy Spirit when you were born again but his power has not been evident in your life? Maybe you’re been ignoring him?

Would you like to have a come to Jesus moment? Would you like to encounter Christ again right now? Would you like to rededicate your life to live for Jesus? Would you give him a new measure of your trust and let him lead you into ministry so that you can really bless other people in the power of the Holy Spirit and become a larger part of the work of the Great Commission? Then come up here to the front right now so we can pray together. Let the Lord bless you! I’m serious. Let’s rededicate our lives to serve the Lord.

Come to pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you with more of his love for the lost. Come dedicate your life to the work of saving souls. You are chosen in him, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, in order that we also might be for the praise of his glory. Come make sure that you are included in Christ. You have you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believe it you are marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory. Come be sure of it. Let us pray.


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