Ephesians 1:11-14 Listen Link: http://www.firstcovenantcadillac.org/#!this-weeks-sermon/c20mw Today we celebrate God’s goodness and gracious provision! This text gives us some assurances of both our salvation and the real presence of the Holy Spirit infused into our very being. Can I tell you what it was like for me as a young lad? I was very bright in school, but not much of an athlete. I spent a lot of time in books and not much time on any ball field. I didn’t really like gym class. I was kind of awkward out there. Worst of all, in grade school and junior high, you don’t get much sympathy from your classmates for being a dork. I could do ok as an individual with physical exertion. For example, in third grade, I was the only one of the boys in my class who could climb the 15-foot rope all the way to the ceiling. I was really proud of that accomplishment because none of the bigger, tougher, more athletic boys could do it. They were so impressed they couldn’t cont...
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