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Showing posts from December, 2019

No More politics (or Potholes)

No More politics (or Potholes) Jeremiah 23: 5-8 Listen link: then look for “sermons” tab How would you like to live in a country where you don’t get to vote for anything, not your leaders, not the laws, and not your taxes? How would like to live in a country where you are legally obligated to do whatever the King asks of you, when he asks it, regardless of what you thought you wanted to do? That may not sound very appealing to an American. We love our freedom and independence. We fought a revolutionary war to win our freedom and get out from under the rule of a monarchy. We like democracy and have no desire to give it up, right? If you’re feeling that, how do you react to this news: “The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely and do what is just and right in the land.” When that happens, will you accept it? Can you be prepared for that by this thought: the only reason we don’t like a...

This Little Light of Mine

Scripture: Psalm 130 Listen Link: then look for “sermons” tab. It’s the first Sunday of Advent. Today we lit one candle and heard the passage, in Isaiah 9, about the great light! We have heard that the great light is the child born to us on Christmas day. It is Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us. Christmas is a day we will truly celebrate as we have for years and years, and our ancestors before us for centuries. Christmas is coming! Advent means coming! It is good to spend the next few weeks reflecting on all that it means for us. We begin from the depths of darkness. The world is still suffering the effects of sin. We are still suffering the effects of a world broken by sin. And not just the consequences of our own sins. According to Romans 8:22, “We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.” The fires in California, the floods and storms on the East coast, and all the other natural disasters we hear ab...