Scripture: Philippians 3:1-14 Listen Link: Listen link: then look for “sermons” tab. Don’t you love to hear a good personal testimony? For many of us our favorite day is when Teen Challenge comes. We appreciate hearing the stories of how the power of God is able to dramatically change a wasted life into a purposeful one through salvation by faith in Jesus Christ. We are amazed by how God can pick someone up out of the gutter and show them how to walk the straight and narrow path of righteousness. But here, we just read Paul’s testimony, that he was fine upstanding citizen, from a good lineage and doing everything right, went to the best school and graduated with honors. He was a religious man, raised in church, so to speak. He was a success according to the world’s way of looking at things. Then he met Jesus! On the road to Damascus he may have been literally lying in the gutter when he fell before the risen Lord. And that is when he realized that his own l...
This is where I publish a transcript of each Sunday's sermon.