Scripture: Ephesians 6:10-14 Listen Link: then look for “sermons” tab. In recent news: May 31, 2019, in VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — A Virginia Beach police officer is alive after being shot by the person who walked into the city’s municipal center and killed 11 people Friday. The officer was one of six people hurt in the shooting. “I can tell you that one of the individuals shot by the suspect is a Virginia Beach police officer and he was saved by his vest,” Police Chief Jim Cervera said. Body armor has changed a lot since the days of the Roman soldiers, but it still essentially does the same thing. It protects your vital organs by providing a hard and nearly impenetrable shell, so that projectiles and sharp objects do no harm, or at least a lot less harm, when you are under attack. But do you wonder why Christians need to be dressed in God’s armor? Are you really under attack? You seem to live a peaceful life. You’re not struggling financially, much. But you t...
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