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Showing posts from December, 2017

Joy Motivates

Scripture: Luke 1:46-55 Often when a person receives an unexpected blessing, or a wonderful answer to a prayer we might hear them say, “Somebody up there likes me!” That sentence conveys a sense of having received a reward for good behavior, because presumably that would be why “somebody up there likes me.” But why talk as if you don’t know who sends the blessings? Why not name the great benefactor? Well, I guess a lot of people really don’t know who likes them up there.  Mary certainly received an unexpected blessing when the angel visited her. And she definitely knew who was doing the blessing. But what a blessing! I don’t think any unwed mother who ever received news about an unplanned pregnancy ever said, “Somebody up there likes me!”   But Mary says, “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant.” The focus is definitely not on herself as the person being liked! She if focused on ...

Love Comforts

Scripture: Isaiah 40:1-11 Listen here: Comfort is many people’s major goal in life. It’s instinctive. We like comfortable beds, and chairs, comfort food, creature comforts, and a comfortable income to afford it all. People are like cats. Cats are connoisseurs of comfort. Our cat Noel apparently knew exactly what she was doing when she weaseled her way out of the cold December air and into our warm hearts, or more likely, our warm home. I don’t know if she cares about our hearts. I do know that she likes a soft bed. We have this small fleece blanket laid out at the foot of our bed, on the bed. That is where she sleeps now. Part of her comfort is to sleep on her fleece, and part is to sleep near her people, I think to make sure we are not going anywhere. But I have learned her fleece is more important. One night we laid awake hoping our cat was ok, because she wasn’t sleeping on the foot of the bed. She wasn’t in her usual spot. Something m...

Hope Waits

Isaiah 64:1-9 Listen here: Waiting in line at the store is my most fun thing to do! The shopping is done, and now I can relax while the people in front of me take their time getting checked out. I get to look around and see how many other people are happily waiting in their lines. Well, maybe I’m really looking to see if there’s a line open. But it’s fun! Then there’s the waiting room. Think of all the people who could be waiting in the doctor’s office for their name to be called for their next appointment. There could be all kinds of reasons why they are there and what they are waiting for. Maybe a diagnosis, maybe a treatment plan, maybe a pronouncement of healing. It might be for a minor injury, or it might be to find out whether the dreaded cancer has struck, or struck again. It can be a fearsome, formidable thing, this waiting at the Dr.’s office. And even if we know there is nothing seriously wrong, still we just don’t like the waiting! ...