Ezekiel 37:1-14 (for a pretty good dramatization of this text: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yB9lIPCssos Before we get to the actual text for today’s message, I want to let you in on the fact that today I am beginning a new sermon series on the work of evangelism, to include some practical ideas that encourage us all to do this work. You know that I am studying for the ordination exams this fall and I was delighted to find in your denomination’s documents something about the reason why a congregation should even exist. And here it is: “The church's first duty is to evangelize, and the fruit of faith will be ministry to those in need.” In spite of the urgency and priority placed on evangelism by the denomination, I think it safe to say that evangelism is not everybody’s favorite pass time. But it doesn’t have to be that way. The work of an evangelist is really the most exciting part about what it means to be a Christian! In evangelistic work, we are partnering with God t...
This is where I publish a transcript of each Sunday's sermon.