Warning! Danger! James 5:1-6 When James says, “Now listen,” That is to be understood very much in the tone of voice you might use when you are about to correct some very disobedient children, “Now listen!” Once again, he is using very strong language to let his audience know that he is very upset and very passionate about what he has heard is going on in the church. This stuff is really important! He talks tough, not like so many sermons you hear these days, funny illustrations, gentle words and big on grace. Many sermons today hardly mention sin except to say that you are forgiven f it. But, maybe James approach is appropriate sometimes. It is better for the people to hear the truth and maybe be jarred awake and into an urgency to do something about the problem. It would be far better than what happened to the rich man that Jesus talked about in connection with Lazarus. The story I am talking about is recorded in Luke 16, and I will go ahead and read to you verses 19-26. It’s...
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