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Showing posts from December, 2015

Faithful Through the Ages

Luke 2:22-38 Listen Link:!this-weeks-sermon/c20mw Forgive the buzz on this one. I had a cold and my voice was way down. One of the odd little quirky things that Kathy and I like to do from time to time is walk through old cemeteries and read the tombstones. Sometimes there are interesting little tidbits of information or a verse of Scripture that give a hint to what kind of person lies beneath our feet. Often, however, there is just the name, the date born and the date of death with just a dash between. The dash represents the whole life lived between the two dates, so it would contain most of the interesting information, but it is hidden from us. All we can do is pick up little clues that can be gleaned from the names, dates and from the other tombstones around the one we are looking at. If there are a cluster of stones all containing the same last name, then we may be able to figure out the family relationships; who was the parent...

Song of Mary

Luke 1: :46-55 Listen Link:!this-weeks-sermon/c20mw Often when a person receives an unexpected blessing, or a wonderful answer to a prayer we might hear them say, “Somebody up there likes me!” That sentence conveys a sense of having received a reward for good behavior, because presumably that would be why somebody up there likes me. And why not name the great benefactor? Why talk as if you don’t know who sends the blessings? Well, I guess a lot of people really don’t know. Anyway, I don’t think any unwed mother who ever received news about an unplanned pregnancy ever said, “Somebody up there likes me!” But Mary says, “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant.” The focus is definitely not on herself as the person being liked! She if focused on God and God is not just a somebody. She knows God and she knows that he is her Savior. He is the Mighty One,...

Rejoice with God!

Scripture:       Zephaniah 3:14-20 Listen Link:!this-weeks-sermon/c20mw What is your image of God? Some people picture a sort of a Santa Claus looking old man on a throne, smiling down on you. Others see the same picture except that he scowling. When you think of God the Father, what words or pictures come to mind? Creator, Holy, maybe you think of the pillar of fire? How about a raging storm? Brilliant light flashing all around a giant throne over wheels within wheels? Burning bush? Still small voice after a fire, an earthquake and a great wind? How about judge of the whole earth? These are all biblical images of God the Father. What emotional words do you associate with God the father? Is that where you locate wrath and judgment, angry with sin, jealous? Or do you tend toward love, grace and forgiveness? I know I prefer to think of his love for the whole world that motivated him to send his one and only...