!this-weeks-sermon/c20mw Matthew 28:18-20 As we learn to work together and fully participate in this work that God is calling us all to do together, this church will be enabled more and more to reach the lost and see new souls saved. The Navigate process is designed to assist us in discerning and fulfilling God’s will for us. And no matter how old you are or how much you may have already done for the kingdom, if you are still breathing, God still has work for you to do, whatever you can do, as much as you can do, the best you can do. But Navigate is not a magic formula that will save the church without any effort on our part. It takes work. It takes effort. It takes sacrifice and the cost can include much pain as we bear the cross for the world in which we live. But it is worth it all. You have to believe that. As for me, I refuse to be discouraged. I am committed to this work. I am committed to you. And I believe in the God who can do miracle...
This is where I publish a transcript of each Sunday's sermon.