Luke 19:28-40 Have you ever felt small and insignificant, as if you have nothing to offer, no reason for being and unable to make a difference of any lasting value? Perhaps you can look back over a life lived and lost, now you’re retired, or at least old enough to know you haven’t already made the best of it, or made the most of it, or enjoyed the kind of success you dreamed about when younger. Maybe you never did have high aspirations or ambitions and you are content to be what other people would call “a nobody.” You’ve lived a quiet, happy life, focused on family and community. But, even you, as happy as you are, do you ever wonder if maybe something passed you by, or you missed an opportunity to make a difference? Jesus sure made a difference didn’t he? But He is God right? And what are we compared to that? We are his servants. And we never know what or where or how God might choose to use us one day, but one day, even in the future that is yet to be, when and if the Lord needs...
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