1 Corinthians 13 How many of you have been at a wedding in which this text was read as part of the ceremony? This text is very popular among fiancĂ©es and wedding planners. As a definition or description of love, it’s a classic. And it’s classy. It is one of the best-written, most poetic and beautifully written pieces of literature on the topic. Bur Paul didn’t write it for a wedding! It is very appropriately included right here, smack dab in the middle of talking about the unity of the Body of Christ, the variety of spiritual gifts, and how that all works together. It’s not really about marital love. It is about how all of us in the community of Christ should be able to get along in spite of our wide degree of differences. He wrote it for the church. Just to collect up the last couple of weeks again, before chapter 13 we have chapter 12 in which Paul wrote about one body many parts, one Spirit, many gifts. He was helping the Corinthians under...
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